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American Idol: Top 8 Girls Give it a Go-Go

Top 8 Girls

‘s Wednesday ladies night started out with the usual nonsensical judge-host banter. Ryan Seacrest asked if Randy Jackson is “too nice” this season, then turned his attention to Paula Abdul. “The 80s was a big year for you,” he said. Guess again, Seacrest. The 80s actually encompassed an entire decade - and if you ask me, it was Madonna (not Abdul) who will for ever be the queen of those ten years. Yet, no one sang Madonna. I’m disappointed, ladies.

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Baltimore Sun


American Idol: Top 8 Boys Celebrate the 80s

American Idol Top 8 GuysI have been looking forward to 80s week on with the utmost excitement. Madonna, Cindy Lauper, The Sex Pistols, The Police - the list of great performers from the 80s goes on and on. Instead, the Idol men gave us Wham, Genesis, Celine Dion, Lionel Richie, and a whole host of other tunes that added up for another strange song selection night.

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American Idol Official Site

American Idol Loses Four More

American Idol logo

American Idol’s Thursday elimination show started off on a cryptic note, as for some reason Seacrest threw it to to start off the night. Jackson applauded the songwriting from “yesteryear” (when was that, again, Randy?) and said it’s all about whether or not the contestants can “work it out.” The show then wasted a little time talking about Simon Cowell’s half-Bullwinkle look (he has a habit of placing one hand, splayed, against his temple) before it got on to the business at hand: narrowing the field of contestants.

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American Idol Official Site

American Idol Review: Top 10 Girls

American Idol logo

So it seems that, largely, 70s week was a bust for the contestants. The theme of both the Tuesday and Wednesday performances seemed to be “pick a better song next time.” But for four of them, there will be no next time.

Carly SmithsonCarly Smithson ended last week’s performances, slating her in the first place position Wednesday night. I loved her black outfit and the power she put into “Crazy On You,” but there were times when everything didn’t quite sound in key. called her performance “good toward the end,” but said that she “over-hit” some of the notes. Paula told Carly, “you are an amazing singer” which started off the tone of her mostly generic comments for the rest of the evening. Simon liked Carly’s performance better than last Wednesday’s, but thinks she hasn’t quite found the right song. He did give her one piece of praise, saying none of the other girls in the competition “can touch you vocally.”

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American Idol Official Site

American Idol: Top 10 Guys Perform


It’s all about the 70’s this week on , and upon hearing this wonderful news I was instantly interested. There are many, many fabulous songs from this decade. Last week it was 60’s, now it’s 70’s…okay, I’m sensing a theme. This can only mean the 80’s are to follow, and if this is the case I must make a general plea: please, please, someone do a punk rock song. The 80’s! You can’t deny punk rock. That being said, we’ll get back to the Tuesday night performances. (Though I will say, here and now, that I’m thoroughly disappointed no one picked Elton John’s “Tiny Dancer” Tuesday).

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American Idol Official Site

Simon Cowell Makes His American Idol Selection

David ArchuletaUp until now, has been very cautious about airing any Idol predictions, probably in fear of a potential backlash. But Cowell didn’t hold back on today’s edition of Extra.  I’m guessing Terri Seymour’s association with the show probably had something to do with him being extra chatty.  (Terri being his girlfriend, of course.)

According to the judge, David Archuleta will ultimately be crowned this season’s winner.  Simon cited the 17-year-old’s likability and looks (coupled with his ability) as the reasons for his choice.

While I believe David’s “Aw-shucks” attitude will soon tire with me (if it hasn’t already), I have to admit tonight’s rendition of John Lennon’s Imagine was undeniably gorgeous.  (If you missed the show, you can see him take the stage after the jump.)  Sadly, based on Tuesday’s generally crappy performances, Archuleta really wouldn’t have to do much to take it all.

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TV Guide

Ousted American Idols Speak Out

American Idol Logo

They came, they sang, they got kicked out. It’s never easy to be eliminated from , but being sent home the very first week is the absolute worst. At least, for these early eliminations, the ousted contestants have some company. Recently, the the stage shared their thoughts on being booted from the show.

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American Idol Official Site

First Four Idol Castoffs Fail to Inspire Tears

The First Four Castoffs

Call me cold-hearted, but I did experience an element of delighted, albeit mean-spirited, glee during Thursday night’s American Idol elimination show. With the exception of one contestant, I was singularly pleased with the results.  (America, so far you are choosing well.)  Again, with the exception of one. But Thursday nights on FOX are less about eliminations and more about shameless self-promotions, as the proved.

First, props to the producers for listening to me. After I pointed out the disgraceful lack of style and fashion sense among the males, some kind stylist got ahold of them all and put them in perfectly matched black suits. Even their white button-ups were identical. This is what I’ve been saying - if the contestants can’t dress themselves, please someone do it for them. Before they take the stage next time, mmkay?

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Entertainment Weekly

American Idol’s Strange Elimination Show

Before I begin, I have to admit I’m not a fan of ‘s elimination nights.  Not only does the show drag out what could be done in two minutes (I really don’t need to see all the musical performances), I always feel extremely irritated by the incessant commercial breaks.

But, wow.  Thursday’s edition really had my head-shaking…and not in a good way.  I purposely came into the episode late because I wanted skip past the filler with my DVR.  Unfortunately, the strange pacing had me convinced I had fast-forwarded through something important.  Not only did the show lack any tension, it was sadly anti-climatic.  Watch the moment Garrett Haley was delivered his piece of bad news.  (Keep in mind - he was the first and only male called up at the time.)

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American Idol 7: The Top 12 Women Perform

American Idol, Top 12 Women

I’ll go ahead and admit it: American Idol, while it’s my primary television obsession, has truly disappointed me. For weeks I listened to promos and comments that this was the best season ever, the most talented performers to date, blah blah blah. Then, I saw the Top 12 men perform. I was not blown away. Not even close.

So it was with great trepidation that I sat down to watch the women take the stage, fully expecting that Wednesday night’s performances surely would not disappoint. It started out pretty rocky, but the girls pulled it together at the end.

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Baltimore Sun
